18 mai 2014

Şi totuşi, se vede ceva... *

Nabokov, despre ce înseamnă un cititor bun şi ce însemnă un scriitor bun.
"A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader. 
So what is the authentic instrument to be used by the reader?
It is impersonal imagination and artistic delight. What should be established, I think, is an artistic harmonious balance between the reader’s mind and the author’s mind.
The effort to begin a book, especially if it is praised by people whom the young reader secretly deems to be too old-fashioned or too serious, this effort is often difficult to make; but once it is made, rewards are various and abundant. Since the master artist used his imagination in creating his book, 
it is natural and fair that the consumer of a book should use his imagination too.
A book, no matter what it is—a work of fiction or a work of science (the boundary line between the two is not as clear as is generally believed)—a book of fiction appeals first of all to the mind. 
The mind, the brain, the top of the tingling spine, is, or should be, the only instrument used upon a book.

There are three points of view from which a writer can be considered: he may be considered as a storyteller, as a teacher, and as an enchanter. A major writer combines these three—storyteller, teacher, enchanter—but it is the enchanter in him that predominates and makes him a major writer.

The three facets of the great writer—magic, story, lesson—are prone to blend in one impression of unified and unique radiance, since the magic of art may be present in the very bones of the story, in the very marrow of thought. (..)

It seems to me that a good formula to test the quality of a novel is, in the long run, a merging of the precision of poetry and the intuition of science. In order to bask in that magic a wise reader reads the book of genius not with his heart, not so much with his brain, but with his spine."

Of. La ce e bună literatura?! Păi, e. 
Un scriitor bun te ajută  să înveţi să gestionezi posibilul - şi ce altceva e o viaţă, deh.

*În Invitaţie la eşafod, personajul principal face tot felul de încercărisă se caţere
la unica fereastră din celula în care e închis. Într-un final, reuşeşte să ajungă la pervaz. 
Acolo găseşte scris: "Nu se vede nimic, am încercat şi eu".

Aci, la emisiunea Apostrophe, a lui Bernard Pivot